Friday, May 27, 2011


Sitting in a small space
On the carpet of a little bedroom
Packing my life up
In boxes, moving into another season
In this box goes the clothing
I wore on a first date that still sort of fits
Unlike the one I wore them for.
In that box are the keepsakes
Awards and trophies, mostly for
Knowing and performing the perfect song.
In this box are the shoes that
Have traveled the world with me –
the flip-flops I wore the
Last time my feet felt the ocean.
the sneakers that tasted
the streets of England and Italy.
The high heels that walked down
The aisle when my best friend married her
True love – the same pair
That followed the casket that carried my daddy’s father.
Packed up and taped down
And carried out of this place.
In this box the letters he sent me
From far too far away
The post cards from places I wish I could have seen
with my own eyes.
In that box are the books that
Carry me so very far away
Engulfed in the images
That hold me close for hours and hours.
And in that box are the notebooks
And the journals and the lyrics
To all the songs and all the stories
And all my thoughts and all my queries
The drawings, the sketches
Those things which helped me heal.
And in this box are the things that
I know I can’t take with me.
My fingers brush the edges
Before I tape them down.
The pictures, the outfits,
The curtains, the little things that no one else knows
The stories that bear their pricelessness.
And in this box are the prayers that
I’ll hold onto until they’re answered.
In boxes with flowers along the frame.
And in that box are the praises
I never want to let go of.
Thanking a God who loves me so well
Wrapped up in boxes
Packed up in boxes
Stacked up on boxes
Stored up in boxes.
Sitting on the floor of
A blue box with chocolate trim.
No longer my box
But an empty space for someone else to fill.

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