Saturday, May 21, 2011


Each one scatter across the floor
The letters we've exchanged over the years
Tiny slivers of glass which form the mosaic of who we
Each have become along the way
Remnants of our pasts and 
Subtle hints and musings of an uncertain future.

I still have all of your letters.

Lovers exchanging glances, not with their 
Eyes, but with every word penned,
Thousands of descriptors to capture the subtlest of gazes.
Embroidered throughout the empty page
Rendered from unhindered hearts and a God whose
Story we both were telling, each in our own way.

I still have all of your letters.

Each one scatter across the floor as 
The words I suddenly search for 
Teeter over the tip of my tongue, but never reach the pen in my hand.
Even if I knew what I should say to you,
Reminders of our last conversation
Still bind my hands, my tongue, my heart. 

Wordless, speechless...
I still have all of your letters. 

Letters begin to pour out of the pen
Eloquent and endless professions of forgiveness,
The boundaries which cannot be crossed
The friendship I pray that I haven't lost, and
Even if you decide to walk away
Regretting that you knew me, despising the years this has taken
Still you must know what will remain ever true

I still have all of your letters.

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