Tuesday, May 3, 2011


There is a piece of me that’s devastated,
A piece of me that thought we’d waited and
Finally the moment came where everything could change
And I could see the dreams I’d laid upon
The altar, hoping You would bring a lamb
Hoping you wouldn’t ask me to sacrifice
The very desires I’d believed you’d placed in me,
Yet at the same time, trusting and believing that
You are who You say You are
And You work all things for Your good and Your glory.
There’s a piece of me that’s desperate to accuse
To cry
To rage
To point a shaking finger and claim that
You never were who You said you were
You’re a liar and we’ve changed
It would make it so much easier to
Believe that you’re to blame.
But everything I’ve learned about You
Everything I’ve seen and touched and smelled and tasted
Everything You’ve showed me
Tells me that You are who You say You are
And you never cease to be good
Even when I am disappointed
And undesired.
You are who You say You are.
There’s a piece of me that aches to hope
That wants to believe that things could be different
That You might open someone elses' eyes
To see me the way You do
And worth the risk, worth a shot.
Worth it.
There’s a piece of me that’s skeptical
The very same piece of me that can see all of the reasons why
His eyes aren’t open
Why his eyes don’t see me
The very same piece of me that questions mockingly
How could I ever have believed that there was a reason to hope at all.
There are pieces of me…
So many pieces of me…
And yet You love all of those pieces.
The ones who are confused.
The ones who are let down and disappointed
The ones who ache
The ones who crave touch
The ones who are stressed
The ones who are with joy
The ones who see you
The ones who don’t.
You love the pieces of me
You love me to pieces
So that I might be made whole again.

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