Tuesday, June 7, 2011


There was not but space and sky
You spread Your arms and You declared:
“Let there be light.”
The skies obeyed,
Both night and day
The earth and waters moved and took Your breath away.
And as You stood and saw that it was good
Did You cry the first satisfied
You made the man
And from his rib
You fashioned her that would become the best of him.
And as they lay, lost inside each other’s gaze,
From their eyes overwhelmed and glorified
They shrank beneath
The cursed leaves
Hiding from what they both knew that You could see.
They’d traded faith
For lust and hate
And found themselves accursed,
Forbidden from Your gates.
And on Your face
As You watched them walk away
Heaven’s first brokenhearted
As time continues centuries had fallen underneath your sovereign gaze
You watched us fail You, curse You, Hate you
While You walked beside us all the way.
If the tears we’d shed together could be kept inside a jar
Would the oceans overflow until the water touched the stars?
Tears of joy
Tears of relief
Tears of turmoil
Tears of peace
Tears for loss
Tears for pain
Tears we cry when we’ve regained
Tears of God
Tears of men
Tears when we leave and find You once again.
When You were nailed
To a broken tree
How many tears were shed when You’d forgiven me?
You saw my sin
And took me still
You said “I’ve loved You always,
And I always will.”
And on my face
As I bend beneath Your grace
A sinner’s redeemed and grateful
And when we stand
Before Your throne
And hear Your whispered words,
“Beloved, welcome home.”

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