Saturday, July 16, 2011


Scribbled on a page
Descriptors of someone’s innermost longings
Dreams his heart dares express only
In the quiet shadows of evening
When all other souls are asleep.
Heart aching for heart
Flesh aching for flesh
Soul pining for soul.
Leaping from the very page in which they’ve been etched
To pierce through the skin
In the center of my chest
And seep into my heart
Like a powerful drug.
Medicine or poison?
I cannot decide.
Who can know the effect one’s words might have
Once they’ve left the page
To meet the eye
And affect the mind
And break the heart?
Who knew the sound?
The silent sound this heart would make
When the perfect words infiltrated
And took over everything?
Such martial law was never meant to exist inside one’s soul
The very words which draw me in
Draw me closer
Are the very words that have me instinctually backing away
Breaking contact
Severing ties
Because such words were never meant for me.
They weren’t designed to invade my heart…
No…they were never meant for me.
What was I then?
What have I always been?
An innocent bystander to the battles you fight with yourself
A casualty of the war waging within you
And without me.
A war captured within the framework of your words
Those words which illustrate
The very darkness you retreat to
The very madness which engulfs you
And yet does not overtake you.
The verge on which you teeter – maintaining such a baffling balance
Between real and unreal
Sane and insane
Dark and light.
Those words you ascribe to the light you search for
The only light that can fill the empty spaces
That she left
That they all left
The empty spaces nobody deserves – least of all you…
You know the light so intimately
That you describe the warmth of its beam the instant
It touches my face.
And as you penned the shape and temperature and texture of
That single tear of joy
It was there – sliding down my cheek.
Words too beautiful
Too potent
To exist at all
Are the words that slice like a blade
Because they are not mine to live up to.
They are not mine to achieve.
They are not mine.
And they never needed to be – they were just too beautiful to go untouched
And I, like a child, reach out to touch what I know I shouldn’t
What I know is forbidden to me
Like the apple in the garden…
Just one touch, just to see what it might feel like
To have such beautiful words ascribed to me.
And now here I sit
Scribbling the words
And I wonder if these words should ever pierce another’s skin
And seep into someone else’s heart –
– The sweetest poison –
As such words have into mine.

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